‘There's been plenty said about how challenging 2020 has been’ and that was just at our recent event, the CHU, Macquarie Bank, SCA (Vic) Strata in Motion 2020.
To read the Statement from the Premier that started the same way, visit https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/statement-premier-77.
While we’re still in Step 2 out of lockdown it appears most of the same restrictions apply with respect to work and management of your OCs. Here is a list of links to provide the detailed advice you’re after:
COVID-19 Summary of changes to restrictions for metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria
COVID-19 Restrictions Metropolitan Melbourne
Here are a few key reference points to review:
Restricted Activity Directions (Restricted Areas) (No 13)
The restricted activity period is the period beginning at 11:59:00pm on 18 October 2020 and ending at 11:59:00pm on 8 November 2020.
Permitted Work Premises
Closed work premises
A person who owns, controls or operates a Closed Work Premises in the Restricted Area must not permit persons to attend that premises during the restricted activity period…..
Pools in Owners Corporations
Permitted operations:
— outdoor swimming pool or chlorinated spa at non-residential premises for exercise’
— non-residential swimming pool for workplace or educational purposes
— non-residential swimming pool or hydrotherapy pool for hydrotherapy services
Playground and outdoor communal exercise equipment
Permitted operations:
— playground facilities and outdoor communal exercise equipment
Industry restriction levels: Metropolitan Melbourne
Visit this page to identify what is applicable across industries.
Included in particular are:
Construction [Second Step ‘Restricted’]
Offices and professional services [Second Step ‘Closed’]
Repairs, maintenance and cleaning [Second Step ‘Heavily Restricted’]
COVID-19 Restrictions Regional Victoria
Here are a few key reference points to review for Regional Victoria:
Restricted Activity Directions (Non-Melbourne) (No 8)
The restricted activity period is the period beginning at 11:59:00pm on 18 October 2020 and ending at 11:59:00pm on 8 November 2020.
Physical recreational facilities
Community facilities
Food and drink facilities
Accommodation Facilities
Swimming Pools
Permitted operations:
— outdoor swimming pool at non-residential premises
— swimming pool at non-residential premises for educational or workplace purposes
— indoor swimming pool at non-residential premises for recreational use
Industry restriction levels: Regional Melbourne
Visit this page to identify what is applicable across industries
Construction [Third Step ‘Open with COVIDSafe Plan’]
Go to the sector guidance page for operational guidance and frequently asked questions.
Offices and professional services [Third Step ‘Restricted’]
Go to the sector guidance page for operational guidance and frequently asked questions.
Repairs, maintenance and cleaning [Third Step ‘Open with a COVIDSafe Plan’]