About Us
Strata Community Association (VIC) - SCA (VIC) - represents members working in the Owners Corporation Sector in Victoria. Our LinkedIn provides industry updates.
Our not for profit organisation is governed by our constitution which sets out how we operate.
Annual Report
Board Charter
The Board Charter sets out the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the SCA (Vic) Board and its officers. The Charter works to guide the Board in agreeing policy, setting the strategic direction and maintaining governance and control of the Association.
Strategic Plan
The SCA (Vic) Strategic Plan outlines the association’s vision, mission, values, and strategies for success. It sets specific, measurable and attainable goals the SCA (Vic) aims to reach.
You can join Strata Community Association Victoria by submitting the completed Application Form:
Membership benefits:
Representation to Government and Statutory authorities
Promotion of the activities of practitioners to the community
Establishment of professional practice guidelines and ethical standards
Professional development through seminars, workshops, conferences and regularly publishing bulletins on items of professional interest.
Among other Best Practice guidelines, this includes the SCA (Vic) Contract of Appointment with a Recommended Schedule of Fees & Charges
Members-only services include benchmarking, guidelines, jobs and employment, businesses for sale, legal, insurance and building maintenance referrals
Greater training and professional development options with the introduction of a national qualification
Special Interest Groups, including Young Professionals, Women in Strata, Emerging Leaders and Regional provide more support for what you need in your circumstances
Members benefit from representation, support, advice and promotion. With Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Best Practice Guidelines on regulatory and legislative amendments, updates on VCAT determinations and emerging issues, SCA members are best placed to manage OCs and empower Lot Owners and occupiers.
Life (Honorary) Membership
Life Membership is awarded to an individual who reflects contribution to SCA (in their state) both in years of membership and actual contribution to the success of SCA (in their state) and who has been a member for a continuous period of 15 years.
Life Membership is recognised for extraordinary achievements of an SCA member and is granted to individuals whose contributions have gone beyond the call of duty and have helped the industry grow.
Life (Honorary) Membership Recipients:
David Binks
Marion Binks
Paul Brotchie
Leslie Clements
Rob Evans
Bernie Herbert
Herman Klein
Tim MacKenzie
Brian McGrath
Julie McLean
Michael Nugent
Rob Pitcher
Stephen Raff
Tim Graham
Peter Scott
Andrew Whitelaw
2024 Committees
Advocacy Advisory Committee
Chair: Tim Graham (Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers & Vice-President SCA (Vic) Board)
Deputy Chair: Matthew Bourke (MBCM & Vice-President SCA (Vic) Board)
Committee Members:
John Botha (Highrise Strata & SCA (Vic) Board Director)
Rhianna Tame (Essential Community Management)
Sharon Lameris (Ace Body Corporate Management)
Brett Earle (Consultant)
David Addis (Austrata Finance)
Gregor Evans (The Knight)
Garry Theobald (Strata Community Managers Pty Ltd)
Education Advisory Committee
Chair: Julie McLean (Immediate Past President SCA (Vic) Board)
Deputy Chair: Michelle Cummins (The MaxSoft Group & SCA (Vic) National Board Representative)
Committee Members:
Sharon Lameris (Ace Body Corporate Management)
Ben Commerford (Binks & Associates)
Vijaikumar (VJ) Chhagan (OC Manager and Trainer Assessor)
Jane Evans (Body Corporate Brokers)
Scott Allen (Strata Insurance)
Gino Luigi Marinaro (Melcorp Strata)
Peter Davies (Verticali Pty Ltd)
Monica Ashton (The MaxSoft Group)
Carole Anderson (Lighthouse Consulting and Training)
Tim Graham (Chambers Russell Lawyers & President SCA (Vic) Board)
Governance, Finance & Risk Advisory Committee
Chair: Nathan Keating (SCA (Vic) Treasurer)
Committee Members:
John Botha (Highrise Strata & SCA (Vic) Board Director)
Brett Earle (Consultant)
Matthew Bourke
Membership & Events Advisory Committee
Chair: Pernille Cavanough (Dixon Kestles, Director)
Deputy Chair: Georgina Ayache (Strata Management Victoria)
Committee Members:
Gregor Evans (The Knight)
Kate Trickey (The Knight)
Kylie Webb (Keystone Strata Group)
Paul Campbell (Campbell Corporate Services)
Peter Berney (Solutions in Engineering)
Rebekah Hall (QIA Group)
Thomas Williams (CHU)
Wayne Pile (Express Glass)
Lot Owners benefit from free SCA (Vic) introductory courses on the strata community sector and through subsidised committee training on roles, rights and responsibilities. A new Lot Owners membership category is being established.
The Code of Professional Conduct raises the bar to maintain ethical standards and members are held accountable for poor practice. SCA (Vic) complaints process formalises investigation, mediation and processes for dispute resolution between Owners Corporations and their member managers; and also on professional conduct issues between members with a focus on sanctions, disciplinary action and mentoring.
Owners Corporation Definition
In Victoria, the Owners Corporations Act 2006 defines an Owners Corporation as a ‘body corporate which is incorporated by registration of a plan of subdivision or a plan of strata or cluster subdivision.’ The individual Lot Owners form a collective known as an Owners Corporation. This is a legal entity which must comply with its governing legislation and enabled regulations.
Owners Corporations Manager
A Registered Manager is defined and dealt with in Part 6 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006 (Victoria), which sets out the appointment and removal of a manager, functions of manager where there is a committee, or no committee, the duties of a manager and other matters, including provision for a manager to return records within 28 days of termination of appointment by the Owners Corporation.
Owners Corporations can choose to appoint a registered manager who will act on their direction, including engaging contractors for maintenance and repairs, on behalf of the OC. The responsibility to maintain common property and shared services is that of the owners corporation. The manager assists the OC to meet these and other obligations. As part of the Annual General Meeting, Lot Owners collectively agree on a budget to the fund ongoing maintenance and shared service costs. Items agreed can include the management fee, caretaking costs including gardening, utility charges, repairs to essential services and insurance premiums. These are funded through fees/levies.
Voting in Owners Corporation
Only Lot owners have a vote and that vote can be exercised as one vote one value, or, in Victoria, can be based on the Lot Entitlement which may include car park and storage spaces. Legislation does not permit tenants and other residents to be members of the Owners Corporation or to vote.
For further information please contact us:
Phone: 03 9416 4688
Email: info.vic@strata.community