Strata Workforce Competency Framework
In our dynamic industry, professionalism will largely be influenced by how we attract, develop and retain our talent with unwavering focus to ensure that all of us and our teams are the best- best at what we do now and continuously building capabilities for the future, always delivering excellence in customer service.
Changing the Game
Strata Community Association (Vic) (SCAV), is committed to working with Members to professional the Strata Industry. Through the key the Strategic Pillars of Membership and Education, SCAV is releasing the Strata Workforce Competency Framework (SWCF) to drive the work.
Like many industries at this time, the Strata Industry has faced many challenges. It is imperative that we reflect on where we will be in six (6) months, twelve (12) months and ten (10) years from now and ask what the future will hold for the Strata Industry? The are many possible futures can be considered through two central themes:
Strata properties will continue to be crucial to the future of our cities and the delivery housing and governance of urban living.
strata people and the relationships they forge with clients, will allow the industry to adapt and grow into the future
Attracting, developing, and retaining the best of the best people is critical to the long-term growth and sustainability of the Strata industry. This means taking the time and turning attention toward the important investment we will make in supporting their development and future career growth.
Today we are releasing our Game Changing, Future Focused initiative - The Strata Workforce Competency Framework.
Piloted by The Knight in 2019, this comprehensive resource is intended to support the Strata industry to manage the full employee lifecycle- from workforce planning, recruitment, selection, on-boarding and development of employees and in their career. It is also intended to deliver service quality and improve practice standards, enhance the business, inform excellence in client service, and professionalise the Strata industry.
Real Time Testing
The SWCF outlines the key Domains of Responsibilities & Competencies (Appendix 1) required to perform successfully as Strata Managers, and Assistants to Strata Managers. It showcases the technical, professional and soft skills deemed important for best performance in a particular career level within the Strata Sector and outlines the Skills Matrix for individual growth throughout their career.
The release today, offers Members an opportunity continue the Phase 1 testing. We're inviting you explore the SCWF and consult with SCAV on improvements in the lead up to the full and comprehensive release of the DIY Tool Kit, Learning Modules and Phase 2 Career Ladder in the coming months.
Please click here to access the SWCF.
Integration of the SWCF into your companies
To ensure that your workforce plan and development is fit for purpose to meet current and future needs, use the SWCF Integration tools we, at SCAV, have made available exclusively to our members.
We have created a Do-it-Yourself toolkit which will aid you on this journey.
This integration will not only highlight your strengths and core competencies, but also help you define your team’s opportunities for growth.
This is the first step in setting your people up for success while ensuring that as you help your people grow, your company will realise strong return on investment.
Invest in training solutions that you need for upskilling and reskilling team members at all levels in your company.
Overview for Business Owners
Overview for all Strata Team Members.
The SCAV SWCF Education series
We, at SCAV, are passionate about education and know that our support in providing you with an augmented education value proposition through multiple streams is important for you. As Business Owners, you want to be able to grow competencies of the workforce in your organisations and Strata Managers want to be able to focus squarely on their personal and professional development.
So, it is with great pleasure that we launch our SCAV SWCF Education Series, which will provide members with a clear way to plot their education pathways to advance their technical, professional and soft skills and careers, aligned with their personal and professional development plans.
This education series focussed on growth in professional competence will certainly transform the Strata workforce to deliver greater value to consumers.
For any further enquiries regarding the SWCF, DIY Toolkit and Education solutions, please contact Sharon Lameris
Education Products
Technical Skills
Topic - Meetings
Based on where you are at, learn the fundamentals of organising meetings, managing and delivering all facets of simple, medium and large General meetings, Committee meetings with varying stakeholders and cumulative complexity of participant leadership, conflict resolution and reporting. Progress strongly from Foundation skills to Advanced skills through gaining the knowledge necessary to practise application at each level.
Professional Skills
Topic - Time Management
Gain the clarity to start implementing tried and proven strategies to manage your most valuable resource-time. Raise your effectiveness and efficiency through structured practice of chosen strategies, which will work for you, in your environment, assisting you in gaining even greater results.
Soft Skills
Topic - Resilience
In an industry known for high consumer expectations, fire-fighting, reactivity, long hours and need for crisis management against all odds, your resilience will determine continued success and competitive advantage. Learn how to grow your personal and professional resilience, along with your peers, simply but surely.
The Process
Access the Strata Workforce Competency Framework from the Member Centre
For more information on the results of pilot integration of the SWCF into one of our leading member organisations, access the SWCF Integration Case Study Vodcast from SCAV CHU Symposium
Access the SCAV SWCF Pre-Integration Overview from the Member Centre
which gives you information on how you can set about implementing the framework into your businesses
Request your DIY toolkit for SWCF Integration into your businesses by emailing Sharon at SCA (VIC)
Get integrating and obtain your organisational people skills matrix which will highlight key strengths and opportunities for development for your organisation as a whole and also for individual team members
Plot your organisational and team development journey, highlighting key priorities for development with short-term, medium-term and long-term return on investment in mind
Access SCAV SWCF Education through our new SCA eLearning Portal PointsBuild