1 March 2021: Strata Community Association (VIC) advises its members that Annual General Meetings (AGMs) of owners corporations may be held in person, in adherence to current public health advice and the COVIDSafe Summer settings outlined in the announcement by the Victorian Government on Friday, 26 February 2021.
If using a Public Space to hold the Meeting during Summer Restrictions:
Up to 100 people can gather in public from any number of households - infants under 12 months are not included in the cap.
If a gathering is greater than 25, but less than 100 people, the venue chosen must be big enough to allow for a density quotient of 1 per 2sqm for indoor and outdoor hospitality venues.
No specific requirements exist for gatherings of less than 25 people.
If using Owners Corporation Space to hold the Meeting during Summer Restrictions:
Up to 30 visitors can visit a home in a day - infants under 12 months are not counted in the cap.
Visitors may be from any number of households and may visit either together or separately.
Front and backyards are considered part of the home.
A COVIDSafe plan is required.
Venue Density and Social Distancing
All venues and/or Owners Corporations are required to use electronic record keeping when applying the density quotient of 1 per 2 sqm (or, for small venues, when applying the patron cap of 25).
For venues not using electronic record keeping (ie. Paper based), a density quotient of 1 per 4 sqm applies.
Information regarding density quotients and social distancing precautions can also be found here.
Accessibility during Summer Restrictions:
How members can access and be included in meetings should be considered in planning - for example, some may attend in person, while others attend via a video meeting platform, or phone call.
Some matters do not need an AGM and may be resolved by ballot. You can conduct a ballot by post, telephone, over the internet, fax, or via other electronic communication platforms.
Owners corporations should also consider what powers and functions they can delegate to the committee and/or manager - this can ensure effective administration between meetings.
Owners corporations should consider limiting the use of their power to decide that certain matters can only be dealt with at a general meeting – this will help provide flexibility for decision-making while physical distancing is needed.
A comprehensive list of guidelines applicable to planning of AGMs during COVIDSafe Summer restrictions is available on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.
Please visit Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria for further information regarding COVIDSafe Summer Restrictions and public health advice.