Upcoming Events in Victoria
Planning & Funding for long term Building Maintenance
11 June 2021
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Online: Zoom
This session will focus on the intricacies of the building maintenance plan as stipulated by the new Owners Corporation Act changes. What must the maintenance plan contain in terms of the new section S37, and how do we tackle the asset register, how do they link, and where does the building valuation and the maintenance plan intersect.
CPD: 2.5 Points
2021 SCA Australia and New Zealand Conference
21-23 June
Location: Adelaide Convention Centre
Join us for the highlight of the industry’s annual calendar, bringing together colleagues across all our regions to collaborate, network and share knowledge. Our theme this year is "Share the Vision" and our program will be focused around technological innovations and what will be the expected impact on future operations.
CPD: 4 Points
Committee Training for Strata Managers
17 June 2021
8:30am - 11:00am
Online: Zoom
This course focuses on the importance of Governance, Roles and Responsibilities, Meetings and Effective Communication. Delivered online, it includes an overview of these areas of responsibility and provides clarity of the OC’s and the Committee’s role, purpose and function. The way it’s intended to be!
CPD: 2 Points
Committee Training for Committee Members
17 June 2021
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Online: Zoom
This course is designed and dedicated to the education of Committee Members. It teaches them about the importance of Governance, Roles and Responsibilities, Meetings and Effective Communication. Delivered online, it includes an overview of these areas of responsibility and provides clarity of the OC’s and the Committee’s role, purpose and function.
CPD: 2 Points
Online Activities in Victoria
Want to register multiple people for these events and courses?
Click the button to login via our Corporate Group Bookings Portal
Email education.vic@strata.community should you wish to have a corporate account set up to book, pay and allocate education and events for your employees.
Round Table Discussion
Recorded on 30 October 2020
1 hour
A Member only event, this Round Table Discussion gives you the opportunity to ask any strata related question and, share in answers direct from your guest panellists.
1 CPD Point
Mental Health Issues
Recorded on 25 September 2020
1 hour
This presentation was aimed to tackle the practicalities of dealing with behavioural issues impacting the OC environment.
1 CPD Point